Have you been to a Rochester farmers market lately? If not, what is keeping you from going? By visiting a Rochester farmers market, you get unique goods, you get better prices, you get to speak with the owners and the makers of these foods and crafts, and you get higher quality items. What could be better? These reasons should prove to you that nothing could be better.
One, visit a Rochester farmers market for the produce. If you compare what you find in a local grocery store to what appears and is available at a Rochester farmers market, there will be no question of where you will shop. The quality of this produce is so much higher at a Rochester market that you soon after shopping there will have a hard time recalling why you did not do this sooner.
Two, visit a Rochester farmers market for the prices. You stand to save a good amount by exploring not only the produce but also the various other great items that are accessible for purchase at a Rochester public market. From honey to jam to crafts to jewelry to bread to cheese and countless other items, the prices usually are far less expensive than what these items are going for at stores in town.
Three, visit a Rochester farmers market for the community. The people selling their wares and their produce at these markets could be your neighbors or co workers. Even if they have never come into contact with you in any other way, they still live nearby and they still have bills to pay too. You are establishing stronger connections with those in your community when you explore a Rochester farmers market, so try it out.
Four, visit a Rochester farmers market for the information. When visiting your local grocer, you may never actually see a produce department manager or come into contact with someone who knows exactly where that beet was grown or precisely which chemicals if any were use to harvest those carrots or those watermelons. But at a farmers market in town, the answer is right in front of you. The people harvesting these foods, from their seedling stages all the way through to the day they are picked for sale, are usually the ones at the market. If they do not own these companies, they at least are firmly embedded in them and know the answers to your questions.