The speaker advises that the individual purchase cherry tomatoes for this meal. They can be tiny in terms of size. One reason why you should use cherry tomatoes is the fact that an user can simmer them in a relatively short time period, as opposed to long preparation time for larger tomatoes.
Boiling water is usually the first aspect that speakers talk about for making this recipe. When you begin the cooking process is to prepare the water to boil in a large pot. This is the crockpot that is ideal for making pasta.
The second step is to prepare an additional pan in a low heat for the tomatoes. According to the speaker, cut an onion into small pieces to cook rapidly. The person needs to coat the pan with olive oil immediately after cutting the onion. It is then time to chop some garlic while the onions cook. Add the garlic and tomatoes to the pan and close the lid. It is possible to see the remainder of this yummy meal by watching the instructional video.