lowing some tips and advice that are given by experienced individuals or consulting a specialist could making the best decision for you in this situation. If your dryer has been making an unsettling sound, you may not know where the sound is located or where it is coming from within the dryer. Some people record their experiences on the web by posting a video or blog on how they make washer repairs successfully in their own dryer. An alternative motor coupler may be fitted to solve the problem. The majority of major brands of washers utilize the same method for accessing this component which means you’ll need an entirely new coupler, Hammer, flathead screw driver, and a ratchet of the correct size socket. It can take approximately five minutes. The price of the coupler is affordable for this type repair. To tilt your washer on an angle before putting an jack stand beneath it, as well as shutting off the electrical source and water outlets for safety. qlohpubfph.