By protecting pavement from the elements like water, sunlight and air, e can slow the degrade of the pavement.
If you’re hoping to transform your parking lot, roadway or court an modern look while saving costs, think about regular seal coat application and tiny crack repairs, instead of replacing damaged asphalt.
Sealcoating Sealcoating asphalt increases the appearance of pavement it also extends its life and decreases maintenance costs through reducing the impact of water and oxidation. The seal coat should be applied at least every 3-7 years, depending on the seal coat.
Crack Filling Cracks are formed when the asphalt ages in response to fast change in temperature or the weight of traffic load. The use of a rubber crack sealer utilized because it provides the highest adhesion. Sealing protects pavement and keeps water from the base layer. Cracks in asphalt pavements should be sealed every 2-3 years.
Line striping and painting fourth and last stage of the asphalt maintenance cycle will be line striping. It’s the process of painting lines again to guide traffic to where to park or drive. If you’ve recently sprayed the asphalt sealer onto your existing lines, it’s best to immediately strip the lines. The lot could appear unfinished and will cause confusion to drivers who’ll not be able to find the right path. The curb appeal can be improved through hiring professionals to maintain your asphalt. psya172jos.